The pack includes smooth and clean looking textures that are free of noise and definitely seem to have more detailed than their vanilla counter parts. Alongside retaining the iconic art style of Minecraft, BlueIce Clear Glass has quite a few other highlights as well. Although the pack does feature a vast array of visual improvements, one thing you’ll notice is that the art style at the heart of it all is still the same iconic style that’s been around in the game since its inception and this is something that a lot of players will appreciate quite a bit. What’s intriguing about the BlueIce Clear Glass resource pack is the fact that it doesn’t disrupt the core art style of Minecraft in any way. This is a stellar pack featuring some absolutely stunning and extremely vibrant visuals for players to enjoy so, if you’ve grown tired of the default Minecraft look and are looking for a pack that can breathe new life into the game’s visuals, BlueIce Clear Glass is a pack that should certainly live up to your requirements because it seems like it’s been designed for this exact purpose.

BlueIce Clear Glass is a gorgeous resource pack that hasn’t really been out for all that long but has already been downloaded quite a few times and this is mainly because it’s the kind of resource pack that catches a person’s attention from the very first glance.